When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?

Nov 15, 1994 on Nickelodeon at 8:00 AM

Watch Power Rangers S02E31 online


Adam brings a kaleidoscope to school, explaining how light is broken down into many pieces and such. Lord Zedd is inspired, and sends Goldar down to steal it from him. The kaleidoscope is used to create the Scatterbrain monster. His 'brain-scattering... (more)' powers are used on Billy, Tommy, and Kimberly. They gain total amnesia, unable to remember who they are. Rocky, Adam, & Aisha attempt to restore their memories using prisms, but they too fall victim to Scatterbrain's attack. Bulk & Skull witness these events, and discover what they sought most: the true identities of the Power Rangers. But will they risk their knowledge of these facts to save the Rangers, and ultimately the world?

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Mirror of Regret
Season 2 Episode 30

Nov 14, 1994

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Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
Season 2 Episode 32

Nov 16, 1994

Guest stars

Michael Sorich