What White People Need to Know

Sep 25, 2020 on Syndicated at 3:00 PM


Dr. Phil has an open and frank discussion about racism. First, hear from Joel and Tamiya, a married black couple who made the news after they claim they were racially profiled and falsely accused of theft. Also joining Dr. Phil is Professor and Racia... (more)l Equity Expert at USC Shaun R. Harper, who says he believes implicit bias and microaggressions are like “death by a million paper cuts” to black people. Dr. Phil also meets Jim, a white journalist who believes the Black Lives Matter movement is a terrorist hate group targeting white people. Then, the conversation continues with Anita, who claims she was accused of trespassing and interrogated by police at a hotel where she was a paying guest, and video of the confrontation went viral. Plus, hear from a woman who says white people should never apologize for their race, and another who claims all white people have prejudice. Watch while Joel and Jim have a heated discussion about the issues faced by black and white people in the U.S. today. Will Dr. Phil get to the core of the issues that affect black and white people? Tune in to find out!

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Mom Ruined My Sister’s Wedding and Our Childhood
Season 19 Episode 9

Sep 24, 2020

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