
May 23, 2010 on TBS at 12:00 AM

Watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood S01E58 online


Lin and Bradley's fight leaves them hanging over the side of the front gate, but Lin is saved by Lan Fan while Bradley falls into the moat below. As Buccaneer lays dying, he gives his final request to Lin to defend the front gate. Already distraught ... (more)by Fu's death, Lin complies and draws upon the full power of Greed's Ultimate Shield to annihilate all Central forces before the gate. Underground, Ed, Izumi, and the unconscious Al reappear in Father's lair to find Hohenheim subdued. With four of the five human sacrifices, Father is left to wait for the fifth. The gold-toothed doctor in the levels above decides to use Roy as the candidate for the fifth sacrifice, has Riza's throat slit and tells Roy that he will only save her if he performs human transmutation.

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