Pop's Girlfriend

Mar 09, 2002 on WB at 12:00 AM


On a train, two boys steal a briefcase from a man. In it, they find vials of meta-gas. They quickly put it away when a cop car passes by. That same cop car stops Virgil, while he's on his way home. The officer wants to see what's in Virgil's backpack... (more), which contains Static's clothes. They are looking for the stolen briefcase. Panicked, he makes a run for it. Later that same day, Virgil's father wants them to meet his new girlfriend, Trina. It turns out that Trina was the same cop who Virgil ran away from. Virgil's dad explodes with anger and grounds Virgil. At school, Royce and Frankie, the two boys, are in the computer lab and are looking up information on the meta-gas. Royce smells some of it and a little spills on the floor, without him noticing. After school, Trina picks up Virgil and they have a little talk. She tells him about the stolen meta-gas and that it will explode in 24 hours. He gets mad and walks away. At home, he overhears Trina saying she doesn't want to be in the way

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Season 2 Episode 6

Mar 02, 2002

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Bad Stretch
Season 2 Episode 8

Mar 23, 2002