The End of Time (2)

Nov 10, 2001 on Nickelodeon at 12:00 AM


With a seemingly endless army of Cyclobots swarming the city, not to mention destructive time holes forming in the skies over the city, Wes seeks out Eric. As the Q-Rex proved to be no match for the continued rampage of Doomtron, Eric is forced to jo... (more)in forces with his former prep school rival in order to survive. Can the Red and Quantum Rangers finally hash out their differences as the city is destroyed around them? Will one make the ultimate risk to save the life of Mr Collins? Back in the future, Jen, Lucas, Katie, and Trip learn from Alex of Wes' eventual fate. Not that they'll get to keep this information for long, as standard protocol for time travelers involves erasing their memory of their trip to 2001! Can Alex be convinced to let his former team decide their own destiny?

Previous episode

The End of Time (1)
Season 9 Episode 38

Nov 03, 2001

Next episode

The End of Time (3)
Season 9 Episode 40

Nov 17, 2001