The Cobra Strikes

May 27, 2000 on Nickelodeon at 12:00 AM


Diabolico pools the remnant powers of Demonite, Falkar, and Thunderon, into the deadly Troika creature. If the Rangers can defeat that triple threat-in-one, they'll still have to face a GIANT Diabolico! As the Rangers keep busy, Ryan decides to take ... (more)his cobra-tattoo curse to the source, returning to the ancient ruins of Bansheera's temple in Egypt. There, he faces the basis of the curse, a Cobra Monster. His curse is eliminated by a tough one-on-one battle, the tattoo vanishes just before it can take a chomp into him, and he joins his teammates in time to destroy Diabolico. Not that the danger is over, since Diabolico's Star Power merges with Impus, creating a giant cocoon of destruction that goes on a rampage in Mariner Bay...

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Strength of the Sun
Season 8 Episode 15

May 20, 2000

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Olympius Ascends
Season 8 Episode 17

Aug 19, 2000