The Big Balloon Blow-Up

Jun 14, 2001 on TV Tokyo at 12:00 AM


When our heroes happen upon an unusual formation in the middle of a grassy field, Brock believes it is a crop circle...placed there by aliens! Just then, something comes hurtling out of the sky towards them. A far away voice calls down an apology for... (more) almost hitting Ash with the object. Skyler, a boy training for a hot air balloon race, introduces himself to the gang and explains he was practicing for the upcoming event. Getting a marker as close to the center of the large, circular target by throwing it from the hot air balloon is one aspect of the competition. Intrigued by the hot-air balloon racing circuit, Ash quickly makes up his mind to enter as well. When Brock reminds him they don't have a chance of winning without a hot air balloon, Skyler's father says he has something to help them out. Pulling a balloon out of his shop, he begins to fill it up and to our heroes surprise, it's a Pikachu shaped hot air balloon! When Team Rocket decides to enter the race as well, Jesse and James sabotage several of the balloons the night before the big event.

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Doin' What Comes Natu-rally
Season 4 Episode 44

Jun 07, 2001

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The Screen Actor's Guilt
Season 4 Episode 46

Jun 21, 2001