Main Event: The TNA Tag-team Champions The Wolves defend their titles vs. The Hardy’s vs. 3D in a Ladder Match

Sep 17, 2014 on Destination America at 9:00 PM


The matches scheduled to air tonight from New York City, NY are as follows: Bobby Roode, Eric Young & Samoa Joe vs. Kenny King, Lashley & MVP The BroMans (Jessie Godderz & Robbie E) & Velvet Sky vs. The Menagerie (Crazzy Steve, Knux) & Rebel Ethan C... (more)arter III vs. Rhino in a Street fight James Storm & Sanada vs. Austin Aries & Tajiri Bram vs. Gunner Rockstar Spud vs. Crazzy Steve Main Event: The TNA Tag-team Champions The Wolves defend their titles vs. The Hardy’s vs. 3D in a 3-Way Ladder Match