Couples Reunion

Aug 30, 2004 on NBC at 10:00 PM

Watch Fear Factor (US) S05E01 online


In this episode, the top five couples from season four's Couples Fear Factor series returned for a rematch. Stunt #1 (Sliding floor transfer) Both members of each couple would be standing on a platform high above the ground. As the two platforms ... (more)making up the floor slid further and further apart, both players would have to jump the gap, transferring flags from side to side. The couple to transfer the highest total of flags before both falling would win a pair of fully loaded 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokees. Stunt #2 (Water cage) Both members of each couple would be locked in a cage with a wall of bars separating them. The cage would be submerged underwater and both players would have to retrieve keys on their side of the cage and exchange key's with their partner through the bars. Both players would have to unlock three locks to open the cage, then swim to a buoy. The three couples to do this the fastest would advance to the next round, the other two would be eliminated. Stunt #3 (S

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Family Beam Walk; Family of Roaches; Kid-A-Pult
Season 4 Episode 34

May 17, 2004

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Favorite Winners
Season 5 Episode 2

Sep 06, 2004

Guest stars

Chris Jackson