A Haunting in Florida

Sep 28, 2006 on Destination America at 10:00 PM

Watch A Haunting S02E08 online


Within weeks of moving into a ranch home with their young daughter, unnerving entities start appearing to the Dunhams. Beth awakens to see the ghostly figure of an old woman standing in the doorway and Edd encounters a menacing man sitting on one of ... (more)their beds. Bizarre sounds become a regular event around the house, including a ghostly tapping that responds to Edd's knocks. Fearing for themselves and their infant, they consult a team of paranormal investigators. Disembodied voices and dark figures captured on tape leads to one conclusion: the Dunhams' home is a portal for spirits and is raging with negative energy.

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Dark Forest
Season 2 Episode 7

Sep 21, 2006