Rise of the Rookies

Oct 02, 2011 on HISTORY at 9:00 PM

Watch IRT Deadliest Roads S02E02 online


Patience and tempers are stretched to the limits on the Bolivian Death Road day after day. Dave and Lisa deal with their malfunctioning truck, racing against the clock to make sure they can still deliver their load on time. Hugh and Rick battle both ... (more)the international language barrier and muddy roads as tempers boil. Inexperience catches up to rookies Tim and Tino, where they'll have to second-guess their ability to drive the deadly, cliffside roads. And at the end of the day, two truckers, pushed to their limits, call it quits.

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The Death Road
Season 2 Episode 1

Sep 25, 2011

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Lisa vs. The Devil's Bridge
Season 2 Episode 3

Oct 09, 2011